Taking a cold shower on a hot day is fantastic. Likewise, taking a hot shower on a bitterly cold day is immensely pleasurable as well. Think about it: you’ve just come in from a long hiking adventure out in the woods by your house. Once you get inside, you just want to relieve your sore and aching muscles and then maybe curl up with a good book and a hot cup of tea. But what happens when you only get cold water? Brr!
Multiple Appliances Competing for Hot Water
The first and perhaps most obvious cause is that you have several appliances running. At first, this doesn’t seem like a huge deal. After all, it’s within the realm of possibility that the dishwasher and washing machine aren’t sharing the same water line. But while that is an easy assumption, it might not be the truth. One workaround is, of course, to have something use cold water instead. It’s more likely that you’ll be forced to take a chilly shower or wash your clothes in cool water so that the dishes get priority. Even if you have a lot of housework to do, letting them do their thing through individual (and separately-timed) cycles is going to be your best bet.
The Water Heater’s Tank Isn’t Big Enough
Another potential problem has to do with the water heater. In short, its tank is simply too small to meet your demands. Rethink what you’re doing in terms of chores. As with altering your appliance usage habits, consider talking to a master plumber. They can advise you on the proper size of tank you’d need. And they can also probably handle the upgrade for you!
The Burner is Malfunctioning
Yet another issue results from the burner. Why might this be? Eventually, all home appliances wear out. As functional as the water tank is, it’s going to give out. And one of the most common warning signs of imminent failure is a pattern of malfunctioning. It sounds odd that the gas heater could be the reason why you have an abundance of cold water, but it is true. Without the flame, the heat won’t transfer as it should. Take a close look at the heating element. Do you see blue flames crowned with yellow tips? All is normal. If not, you’ll need to talk to a plumber or a water heater technician who can fix it.
All of Your Plumbing Needs from Master Plumbing
Give Master Plumbing a call at (301) 650-9100, or contact us online to get more information on how our expert plumbers can help you with just about anything plumbing-related! We have received Angie’s List Super Service Award recognition for plumbing and drain cleaning every year since 2007, in addition to the Best Plumber award from Best of Bethesda. We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and our service is unparalleled. Give us a call today—you won’t regret it! To see examples of our projects, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!