If you’re finding water heater leaks, it means that your water heater is experiencing significant problems. Ideally, these problems can be prevented, but how does one go about preventing these leaks from arising? Here is what you can do to prevent the emergence of water heater leaks.
Stay on Top of Maintenance Procedures
To keep water heater leaks from happening, you need to check on your water heater frequently. This should be done by a professional plumber who knows exactly how to identify problems in your water heater, as well as come up with solutions for these issues. Generally speaking, getting an annual water heater inspection should be sufficient, though you can get it inspected more often for more security.
Look at the Pressure Relief Valve of Your Water Heater
Pressure is released from your water heater because of the pressure relief valve. When this pressure doesn’t get released, water heater leaks may start to occur. Sometimes, your tank might completely burst!
To inspect your pressure relief valve, you can locate it on the side of your tank. Once you’ve found it, pull up and then push down the valve handle. If everything is working properly, hot water will flow out of the overflow pipe. If this doesn’t happen, contact a plumber to get your pressure relief valve replaced.
Get Your Anode Rod Replaced
Water heaters will come with an anode rod. The anode rod is found inside of your water heater, and it’s what draws in minerals so that those minerals don’t build up in other areas of your water heater. This rod will deteriorate as time passes, minimizing its effectiveness. That’s why you should get a plumber to replace this anode rod every few years or so. This stops the tank from cracking, corroding, and ultimately leaking.
For Water Heater Repairs, Call Master Plumbing
Give Master Plumbing a call at (301) 650-9100, or contact us online to get more information on how our expert plumbers can help you with just about anything plumbing-related! We have received Angie’s List Super Service Award recognition for plumbing and drain cleaning every year since 2007, in addition to the Best Plumber award from Best of Bethesda. We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and our service is unparalleled. Give us a call today—you won’t regret it! To see examples of our projects, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!