There is no denying that a cold shower is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, most people love a hot shower as opposed to a cold one. The reality is, when you notice that your shower isn’t heating up properly, it could be a larger issue that might require the help of professionals to diagnose and remedy the problem effectively and efficiently. Ultimately, even during the peak of summer, having a cold shower is not totally pleasurable so making sure that your shower heats up properly throughout the year can make a world of a difference for your overall shower enjoyment. Here are some key things that you will absolutely want to consider when it comes to making sure that your shower is heating up effectively and efficiently no matter the temperature outside.
Be Sure To Check Your Water Heater
One key source that you’ll want to explore is your water heater. In fact, if your shower is frigid for the entirety of your shower experience, it might be a sign that there is a problem with your water heater. The reality is, if your hot water is a problem throughout your home, the water heater is likely to blame. Ultimately, if the entire house lacks hot water, that is a clear sign that the problem is with the hot weather heater itself. As a result, the issue might be a result of a faulty temperature gauge or simply a blown fuse. Regardless of the cause, knowing that there are professionals who can help remedy the situation will give you the peace of mind necessary to finally start enjoying hot showers instead of dealing with cold ones throughout the year.
Evaluating Your Valve
Another thing you’ll definitely want to do if you notice that your shower just isn’t heating up properly is to check the valve. In fact, the hot water issue you are experiencing might actually be directly in the shower itself. The reality is, a shower valve typically will help to create the ideal blend of hot and cold water. Ultimately, if your shower won’t heat up, a worn or broken valve could be the reason that your water is disrupted and therefore not able to heat up properly.
All of Your Plumbing Needs from Master Plumbing
Give Master Plumbing a call at (301) 650-9100, or contact us online to get more information on how our expert plumbers can help you with just about anything plumbing-related! We have received Angie’s List Super Service Award recognition for plumbing and drain cleaning every year since 2007, in addition to the Best Plumber award from Best of Bethesda. We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and our service is unparalleled. Give us a call today—you won’t regret it! To see examples of our projects, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!